Are you looking for more information on liability auto insurance? There are many options available when it comes to finding cheap auto liability insurance. Before you get your policy, make sure you understand exactly what you need. Liability auto insurance coverage is required by law in most states. There are two parts to liability auto insurance coverage.
First, there is auto liability insurance for bodily injury. This covers you if you are in an auto accident and someone gets hurt. Bodily injury liability automobile insurance will pay their medical expenses and lost wages, if any. Second, there is liability car insurance for property damage. Most states require this coverage by law. This coverage pays to repair damages if you damage someone else’s property due to an auto accident. With this coverage you are also protected if someone sues you due to an accident. Your legal bills would be covered under this policy.
You are required to choose two limits when you purchase an auto bodily injury liability insurance policy. Bodily injury liability coverage usually looks like this, ‘15/30′, on your policy. The amount to consider is the total bodily injury coverage in thousands, per person. The next is the total bodily injury coverage per thousands per accident. The first amount you will choose will be the amount that your insurance company would cover for every person injured in an accident where you are at fault. The second amount to choose determines how much your policy will cover for each accident occurrence. Basically, the second number is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay up to; regardless of how many hurt people are in the accident. Be sure you select adequate amounts for your policy.
The property damage liability policy will cover damages to other people’s property up to whatever the limit is. Often time, the damages are to the other vehicle, but coverage is not limited to vehicles. Property damage can mean a damaged fence or a building, for example. If you were driving negligent, then you would be liable for the costs of these repairs. Usually, the property damage liability coverage number directly follows the bodily injury liability limits. It would look like this, for example: 15/30 10
In the policy, 10 represents $10,000 coverage for property damage liability insurance. Mainly, the limit is the same number as the comprehensive and collision limits on the policy. For the most part, liability coverage provides monetary protection from the financial costs of being sued for negligence while driving. To be negligent means that you were not driving within the standard manner required while you were operating the car. Also, actual harm must have taken place in order for you to be held liable.
Liability auto insurance covers damages caused by auto accidents. Generally, this includes their medical payments, pain and suffering allowances, and even lost wages. Having the right insurance policy would cover another person’s injuries if there was ever an accident.
First, there is auto liability insurance for bodily injury. This covers you if you are in an auto accident and someone gets hurt. Bodily injury liability automobile insurance will pay their medical expenses and lost wages, if any. Second, there is liability car insurance for property damage. Most states require this coverage by law. This coverage pays to repair damages if you damage someone else’s property due to an auto accident. With this coverage you are also protected if someone sues you due to an accident. Your legal bills would be covered under this policy.
You are required to choose two limits when you purchase an auto bodily injury liability insurance policy. Bodily injury liability coverage usually looks like this, ‘15/30′, on your policy. The amount to consider is the total bodily injury coverage in thousands, per person. The next is the total bodily injury coverage per thousands per accident. The first amount you will choose will be the amount that your insurance company would cover for every person injured in an accident where you are at fault. The second amount to choose determines how much your policy will cover for each accident occurrence. Basically, the second number is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay up to; regardless of how many hurt people are in the accident. Be sure you select adequate amounts for your policy.
The property damage liability policy will cover damages to other people’s property up to whatever the limit is. Often time, the damages are to the other vehicle, but coverage is not limited to vehicles. Property damage can mean a damaged fence or a building, for example. If you were driving negligent, then you would be liable for the costs of these repairs. Usually, the property damage liability coverage number directly follows the bodily injury liability limits. It would look like this, for example: 15/30 10
In the policy, 10 represents $10,000 coverage for property damage liability insurance. Mainly, the limit is the same number as the comprehensive and collision limits on the policy. For the most part, liability coverage provides monetary protection from the financial costs of being sued for negligence while driving. To be negligent means that you were not driving within the standard manner required while you were operating the car. Also, actual harm must have taken place in order for you to be held liable.
Liability auto insurance covers damages caused by auto accidents. Generally, this includes their medical payments, pain and suffering allowances, and even lost wages. Having the right insurance policy would cover another person’s injuries if there was ever an accident.
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