Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Shopping for RI Auto Insurance

Shopping for RI auto insurance can and has been a difficult task due to their insurance laws. For years Rhode Island has been one of the most expensive states to insure a car and their rates are still well above the national average. Luckily with changes in insurance laws auto insurance in RI has become more affordable. This in part has been because of drivers having more shopping options with the explosion of the internet.

Rhode Island auto insurance rates are high for several reasons. One of the major ones being that their laws stipulate that at least one driver needs to be found at fault in an accident. Because of this law the driver found to be at fault is required to have their insurance cover all damages for both parties involved including medical bills and auto repair. This also hurts any claims that must go to court if things need to be taken that far in any major accidents. This of course hits insurance companies where it hurts, their pocket book and they have adjusted their rates for Rhode Island drivers accordingly.

Finding the rates for RI car insurance is no different than shopping for insurance anywhere else. The best rates are typically going to be found online. It is recommended that you start off with the sites the offer quotes from multiple insurance companies. Make sure the site you use is going to give you instant quotes instead of having local insurance agents call you. If you are unable to find such a site most major insurance companies will provide you instant quotes from their own websites. The only drawback to this is you will be entering the information over and over again for each company. Make sure to get quotes back from at least three to four different companies to get the best rates. Going with the first quote you see can often times lead to paying more than you need to for coverage.

There are some things to keep in mind to help you get accurate insurance quotes. Rhode Island insurance laws require you to carry a $25,000/$50,000 uninsured / underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage. The same limits need to be in place for bodily injury liability coverage as well as $25,000 in property damage coverage. These high limits will are also a factor in the higher prices for Rhode Island drivers. These are the state minimums and in some cases much higher than other states. It is something to keep in mind if you’re moving to Rhode Island from a state that only requires liability coverage for vehicles. To help keep your costs down you can increase the amount of the deductable for your policy. While this means that any claim you make will require more money for you to pay damages out of pocket. If you’re a safe driver and have very few claims it is something to take a look at to keep the monthly costs down.

Just because RI auto insurance rates are some of the highest around doesn’t mean you can’t find a deal. Just keep the information provided in the article close at hand and you should be able to get the best deal possible on your insurance. Just keep it in the back of your mind if you have moved to Rhode Island that your insurance rates will probably be higher than what you’re used to.

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