Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tips for Finding the Right Kind of Commercial Trucking Insurance for You

Commercial trucking insurance is a must have for anyone who drives a truck and delivers goods for a living. It doesn’t matter if you own your truck, lease it, rent it, or borrow it commercial insurance is a necessity. Insurance providers consider commercial trucks to be any vehicle that is not listed as a car and is used for a business as a commercial truck. It could be a van, box truck, pickup, suv, or a farm tractor. If it is used and registered as a commercial vehicle it qualifies for a commercial policy.

Getting commercial truck insurance quotes is as easy as shopping for regular car insurance. There are many sites that will allow you to obtain quotes from many companies at once. These kinds of sites have a couple of drawbacks to watch out for. The first is some of these sites don’t give you instant quotes but pass on your information to insurance companies or independent agents who then call you when they have a quote for you.  With the wealth of insurance companies available for commercial truck policies you may be better served to going directly to insurance company websites. Not only will you receive instant quotes but you will be able to see firsthand the types of policies they offer on commercial vehicles.

When shopping for truck insurance you have a few things you needs to know beforehand to get accurate quotes. What type of truck is it? A pickup truck is going to need less liability insurance than someone who drives a tow truck that has more equipment on it and is more likely to cause a greater amount of damage in an accident. Because of this the liability insurance needs are going to be greater for the tow truck and will of course create higher premiums. What are your monthly or yearly mileages? If you’re driving an eighteen wheeler across the country your insurance rates are going to be higher than if you’re driving the same truck for shorter runs in your region. How much liability coverage do you need? If you are purchasing insurance for one truck or a fleet of trucks you’re going to want to look for a policy with at least $250 thousand combined single limit liability. Anything less than this and you run the risk of putting the business in jeopardy incase of a major accident. You can carry the state minimums for coverage is you need the lowest rates possible as most insurers do offer these minimums.

As with any insurance the cost of your premiums is related to a few things. Your business type, truck type, and the amount of driving you do have been mentioned. Like any other automobile insurance product your driving record comes into play. If you have had a bunch of moving violations or insurance claims against you your premiums will be affected as with any other policy. Keep this info in mind when shopping for a quote so you can get the most accurate quote possible.

If you drive any kind of truck for a living or own a business that has its own fleet commercial trucking insurance is a must have form of protection. Keeping your business protected from lawsuits and injuries that do and will occur is an important part of any business plan. Not only does it protect your livelihood but the lively hood of your employees as well.

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