Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Employers’ liability insurance is a type of insurance coverage that takes care of your employees in the event that they incur an injury, come down with a sickness, or even worse, die while on the presence of your job site or business property.  Having any of these extremely unfortunate circumstances happen to one of your employees means that your business is going to feel it, but more importantly, that you are going to have to take care of them because it happened while working for your company.  It is required in most states and countries by law to carry some type of employers’ liability compulsory insurance.

The reasons that states and countries are requiring this type of insurance, often up to millions of dollars worth of coverage, is because that when accidents happen at the work place, they can often escalate.  The more dangerous the work is that your employees are doing, the higher risk they are at for being involved in a serious accident.  These types of life threatening injuries, or seriously debilitating injuries can leave families bankrupt, so you are required to financially reimburse them, as well as make sure that they can continue living their lives even after the accident.

Anything can happen on the job site or at the work place, and as stated, the more dangerous the line of work that you are asking your employees to perform, the more risk that they are associated with.  In some jobs, it is not a matter of if something bad happens, but instead when.  These types of employers liability insurance policy are a lot higher in terms of monthly costs because of the increased risks involved with your employees.  Usually when an injury happens on these types of job sites, the injuries are quite substantial and require large amounts of financial compensation.

If you run the type of business where your employees are in any type of risk, and you haven’t received any employers liability insurance quotes yet, you are going to want to determine with your state exactly what types of coverages are required for you.  In most states, carrying an employer public liability insurance is an option, but for some lines of work, it is a requirement and the state will be glad to shut down your business if you aren’t properly protecting the people that come to work each and every day.  They are your life blood, so you really should insure them.

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