When shopping for car insurance, more often than not ladies car insurance is less expensive than insurance for men. Typically insurance companies classify women as safer drivers. Statistically, women are more cautious, pay more attention, and are less aggressive drivers than men which lead them to have cheaper insurance rates.
Car insurance for female drivers can be found from the same places you would get insurance quotes for any drivers. One of the advantages of having women’s car insurance is seeing discounts earlier than men do. Men typically see an insurance break at age twenty six or twenty seven in North America. Women often see this discount at twenty five and with some insurance agencies even at an earlier age.
Car insurance for ladies can be found at rates between ten to almost forty percent cheaper than male drivers of equal age. This also takes into account that the drivers have the same driving records and same number of previous insurance claims. Insurance studies have shown that female drivers tend to have monetarily lower insurance claims than average male drivers of the same age.
It is a common misconception that women drivers cause more accident than male driver. Cheap car insurance for ladies is available because studies show that there are many factors that female drivers take into account that a male driver doesn’t. For instance, woman drivers tend to speed less, and are less aggressive when driving. Also their choice of cars is much different than men. They not only look for something that fits their style, but safety features are important to them, more so then bigger engines and other performance features that many men value. These extra safety features not only help make women drivers less risky to insure, the allow for more discounts because they often cause less damage to the occupants of a car and insurance payouts are typically lower because of these safety features.
There are many other ways to get further discounts on your insurance. If you own a home or rent an apartment having multiple policy types with an insurance company can often times give you a discount on your rates for all policies. Are you a full time student? If you are, no matter what age you are this could qualify you for a discount. Sometimes if you have a high grade point average you can get an even deeper discount because of this. How far is your commute to work? If you’re not traveling too gr3eat a distance on a daily basis and you’re in a low traffic area this can affect your rates. Where do you keep your car? If it is in a driveway or garage rather than on the street you may be able to get a small discount in your premiums. Cars kept off the street are less likely to get damage from hit and run drivers, or dings from daily street traffic. Where you live and the type of car you drive will also reflect your rates. A less popular, more family oriented vehicle is a less likely target for thieves. Living in the country or in a low crime area also lowers the risk from damage or theft, thus allowing insurance companies to give you lower rates.
There are many factors that make ladies car insurance rates cheaper than male drivers. If you take the above information to any insurance agent, or shop for insurance online you will find that well priced ladies car insurance may be easier to find than you think.
Car insurance for female drivers can be found from the same places you would get insurance quotes for any drivers. One of the advantages of having women’s car insurance is seeing discounts earlier than men do. Men typically see an insurance break at age twenty six or twenty seven in North America. Women often see this discount at twenty five and with some insurance agencies even at an earlier age.
Car insurance for ladies can be found at rates between ten to almost forty percent cheaper than male drivers of equal age. This also takes into account that the drivers have the same driving records and same number of previous insurance claims. Insurance studies have shown that female drivers tend to have monetarily lower insurance claims than average male drivers of the same age.
It is a common misconception that women drivers cause more accident than male driver. Cheap car insurance for ladies is available because studies show that there are many factors that female drivers take into account that a male driver doesn’t. For instance, woman drivers tend to speed less, and are less aggressive when driving. Also their choice of cars is much different than men. They not only look for something that fits their style, but safety features are important to them, more so then bigger engines and other performance features that many men value. These extra safety features not only help make women drivers less risky to insure, the allow for more discounts because they often cause less damage to the occupants of a car and insurance payouts are typically lower because of these safety features.
There are many other ways to get further discounts on your insurance. If you own a home or rent an apartment having multiple policy types with an insurance company can often times give you a discount on your rates for all policies. Are you a full time student? If you are, no matter what age you are this could qualify you for a discount. Sometimes if you have a high grade point average you can get an even deeper discount because of this. How far is your commute to work? If you’re not traveling too gr3eat a distance on a daily basis and you’re in a low traffic area this can affect your rates. Where do you keep your car? If it is in a driveway or garage rather than on the street you may be able to get a small discount in your premiums. Cars kept off the street are less likely to get damage from hit and run drivers, or dings from daily street traffic. Where you live and the type of car you drive will also reflect your rates. A less popular, more family oriented vehicle is a less likely target for thieves. Living in the country or in a low crime area also lowers the risk from damage or theft, thus allowing insurance companies to give you lower rates.
There are many factors that make ladies car insurance rates cheaper than male drivers. If you take the above information to any insurance agent, or shop for insurance online you will find that well priced ladies car insurance may be easier to find than you think.
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